Forums - MVC2: Anakaris, Dr. Doom, Cyclops POWER!!! Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MVC2: Anakaris, Dr. Doom, Cyclops POWER!!! ( Posted by TheMummy on 11:23:2001 09:10 AM: MVC2: Anakaris, Dr. Doom, Cyclops POWER!!! I should say that my team, ANAKARIS, DR. DOOM, and CYCLOPS is too powerful, because they find ANAK-CYKE very offensive and ANAK-DOOM very good trapper! Using my teams, I got 25 wins straight with this team. What I do is just simple, s.jump with Dr. Doom and Drop a Sarchophagus. When youre about to fall, use his very long HK. I'm sure, they will get hit or if they blocked it, they will receive Doom's Rocks. I also use ANAK-CYKE Infinite, just what viscant had said. And it was really very effective!! Any suggestions with my team? Posted by TheMattDaddy on 11:23:2001 11:07 AM: infinite with anakaris????????? how????????? i know one with him nd spiral.. but u could mash out of that one. Posted by TheMummy on 11:23:2001 12:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by TheMattDaddy infinite with anakaris????????? how????????? i know one with him nd spiral.. but u could mash out of that one. Anakaris has solo infinite: s. lk, s. mp, XX pyramid rush(diagonally downward) then repeat. ANAK-CYKE middle of the screen: c. HP with cyke(alpha), (moving forward)sj. lk, sj. mk, lk Pharaoh's curse. opponent cornered: c. HP with cyke(alpha), (moving backward)sj. lk, sj. mk, lk Pharaoh's curse. Ok, that would be all. Posted by TheMattDaddy on 11:23:2001 07:32 PM: can u mash out of it??????? or its guarantee like ironman's infinite? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 11:23:2001 08:02 PM: IMO, u should replace Doom or Cyc with Cable. Could u escape his infinite with Cyc by just avoiding Anak when his opponent is Pharoah's cursed? Posted by The Orochi on 11:23:2001 11:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by TheMattDaddy can u mash out of it??????? or its guarantee like ironman's infinite? They can try & run away when cursed but it's easy to catch up with them & do the process over again. But i don't know the one with Spiral? Posted by The Orochi on 11:23:2001 11:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin IMO, u should replace Doom or Cyc with Cable. Could u escape his infinite with Cyc by just avoiding Anak when his opponent is Pharoah's cursed? But you can't do the infinite without cyc. i personally use Cable/Ana/Cyc, I use cable & anakaris's throw assist, if they get to close i have Cyc. i use Ana first at times to try & build supers for cable. But yeah i think cable would go betterthen doom. Posted by TheMattDaddy on 11:24:2001 05:13 AM: ok... i dont know the move's name and stuff so i kinda dont get what is the pharoah curse or whatever that is.. the infinite with anakaris/spiral is .. u pick spiral's ground assist.. do down light kick twice and call spiral in the same time. then do the moves that turn opponent into the doll. repeat it over and over. u could mash ot of it though when u turn to doll. sorry i dont know how to explain the moves name and stuff.. i think anakaris has a good mix-up. espcially with doom. i played him just for fun.. Posted by Mutex42 on 11:24:2001 09:30 AM: Anakaris-Storm-Doom is the team! That's what I seem to be most effective with anyhow. I would throw Cyc in there as AA if I had any interest in going for his infinite, but I'd just feel dirty, since there really isn't a damn thing you can do about it and it will kill their whole team. Anakaris makes really good use of Doom, like you said, poking at them on the ground and throwing coffins in the air with the Doom AA goin. On the ground, while the rocks are goin, I'm look for an opportunity to Idle Hands them, either by mixing up their blocking to pull them into a high block or just for a mid-rock grab if it hits, or I'll try to hit with FP->Cobra blow while they're bouncing around. Not usally worth the tiny window of crossup and relaunch opportunity you've got since if you miss it you're toast. Doom is Anakaris's best friend. I think it's worth it to DHC Storm in instead of letting Nak die since you can always find a perfect opportunity and it'll always do damage. Doom can't make very good use of his assist, although I've ever of other people having success with repeated jump-fierces, Throw assist and they'll take it, but that doesn't work very often. His assist is a little better with Storm on point, or at least a good rushdown character. You can easily trick them into which way they're going to block by calling Nak and the second he comes out triangle jump at them, but don't attack. They'll be trying to block the airiel attack so the idle hands will grab them, then just lightning attack->lightning storm->possible Doom DHC them after the throw hits. Storm/Doom is a truly menacing combo, which has to take over any time I screw up and get once or twice with Anakaris (since that's all it takes to kill him). If Nak was really low on health you might want to let him die just for the DHC opportunites you'll have open now with Doom and Storm. I've always got Storm second for the obvious DHC hailstorm reason plus I want her on point instead of doom since I play him better in the endgame. She's the problem solver, he's the cleanup crew. The only problem Nak really has is cable. He takes out sentinel, he takes out Blackheart (if you're really careful), he's about even with spiral and takes out Doom with ease. If Cable's point, counter to Storm immediately, because she'll take care of him. With doom on her side, every time he super jumps, call Doom->typhoon->hailstorm to chip like mad and with all the meter Nak built, you can take out a whole character that way if you want. And of course, being as mobile as she is, play the drop doom, crossup so he goes after your helper while you hit him from behind (or waste two levels for nothing to correct his mistake). If he does go after them, you're ahead. If he doesn't, you're still ahead because he took mad chip damage. I just wish I was better at the game so I didn't randomly screw up and lose Anakaris from one mistake all the time. He's usually about even with their first character, and then Storm/Doom cleans up the rest with the 5 meters he built. This is actually my most consistent team overall though, surprisingly. Ech. I'm not very good at talking about my strategies with these guys, better to watch. Watch how he stops rushdown/trianglers with his crouching fierce+Doom as it hits on both sides. Block and eat the chip, don't block and get launched, and they most likely won't block since they're going for a triangle and either just dashed or attacked and the best they can hope for is to bounce around on Doom's rocks for a while after you trade hits with them. Posted by Iceman on 11:24:2001 06:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mutex42 The only problem Nak really has is cable. He takes out sentinel, he takes out Blackheart (if you're really careful), he's about even with spiral and takes out Doom with ease. If he beats all of these characters why isn't he top tier? So I'm asking why does he lose to Cable, why does he beat Sentinel, Blackheart, Doom, and why does he break even with Spiral? Posted by Mutex42 on 11:24:2001 08:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman If he beats all of these characters why isn't he top tier? So I'm asking why does he lose to Cable, why does he beat Sentinel, Blackheart, Doom, and why does he break even with Spiral? Why isn't he top tier? Because it doesn't seem possible to be entirely consistent with him. He takes the worst damage in the game. Pretty much any one super will put him out of commission. Any sort of slip up and you're dead, even though a lot of his moves have way too much risk involved. A good Anakaris will know the exact risk of each move in every scenario, but you can't always be certain. Idle hands, when it connects gives you almost a full level of meter, does acceptable damage, and if they roll afterwards, they're about to eat every one of Doom's rocks. It's a great move which is absolutely essential to his game. However, even once you know your ranges perfectly (essential to playing him *at all*), you can still miss it if they manage to duck. If they're already ducking, you're just stupid to throw it out there, but they can duck from the time you're inputting the motion to when it comes out. So you say just don't ever do it on the ground unless you're assured the hit. If that's how you play then you're gonna lose half the mind games you can play with him and people are gonna walk all over you. That's just one example. Some of his moves, like grounded coffins are used when you're pretty sure they're gonna hit, but there's a possibility you'll trade hits. When you trade, you will take more damage, but more often than not you'll come out ahead. In other words, he's just a very risky character, but can be played very effectively when it's not necessary that you win every single match. I actually get larger win streaks with Anakaris/Storm/Doom than any of my other teams, but you will lose eventually. He doesn't beat anyone 100% of the time, but my Anakaris at least has the ability to take out all of the top tier pretty well except for a master Cable, while I build more meter than them because it's hard to build against him. As for the matchups, Blackheart's can be really easy, but still very risky. Blackheart plays in the air 95% of the time. Anakaris has two primary options against him. You always superjump after him when he takes to the air. If you can manage to line up with him, free idle hands. If not, coffins will hit him while he has no way of reaching you. You can idle hands him out of an inferno, which everyone and their mother instinctively throws before a hod. After a chipped hod, where does Blackheart go? Back to the air. So throw a grounded RH coffin at him. The place you don't want to be is in the air while he's on the ground. All you can do is throw coffins, and the first one you throw means you eat inferno->hod. So basically, you stay on his vertical level the whole time and you will always be at the advantage. Sentinel is extremely difficult if you don't have his ranges down flawlessly. If you do though, you can have a coffin on him the second he activates flight every time and can idle hands him out of ground based traps or trade with RH coffins to give you a chance to escape. All the other Dooms I play against are terrible. They do a lot of stupid things to try and chip you and usually get punished for it. I try to play rather variously with Doom these days, but it seems like everyone else is still stuck in "Doom is the ultimate keep away character" mode around here. I think they all just use him for his AA and have no mixup once they get him on point. So I don't know about a good Doom, but for the Doom's around here, I try to stay underneath them for the most part throwing jab coffins while they're high, and launching with Doom assist when they come down. When you're right underneath them, you can play nice crossunder games with his launcher because it'll hit on either side, is instantaneous, and has good priority. Coffins are a lot less effective against Doom than you'd think. There's inconsistent properties of when he does the photon super, and even normal photons, where coffins just sort of bounce off of him. You don't want to be on his vertical level because he'll usually be out of idle hands range and the coffins won't reach, and he's got a better option with his fierce laser, so when you superjump, make sure it's staggered with his level. You might have to throw a coffin just to pause for a second, airdash in and cancel it with another one to get halfway across the screen, then once you're there, wavedashes let you get and stay underneath him. He loses badly to cable because he has no options against him. I can beat a lot of cables with him just from experience, but a really good one won't give you the holes you need to do anything against him. He can't throw coffins, he can't use idle hands because the risk is greater than in any other case, and I can't use any of my normal ground chain and pressure tactics against him because of the lag on his moves (usually you use the laggy moves out of range of their attacks, which doesn't exist for Cable). You also lose the use of Doom, which is almost essential for covering a lot of the holes in the ground game. Against most characters you've got Doom covered for his entire stay on the screen, but there are tiny holes which no character other than Cable can do anything about. So you've got no ground game, no air game, and can't call assists against him because you can't cover them. Basically, Anakaris is a free kill for Cable. So just get Storm in there and eat him up . Okay, I've written way too much here so I'm done for now. These are just my experiences with the mummy anyway. Basically every time I see anyone else pick him (which is less often than I see people pick Servebot), they lose him immediately, and don't want to pick him again. So I'm probably missing out on tons of strategies for him because I don't get to see anyone else's take on him, but I've played him a *lot* and I do know that he can be a *very* effective character, but just not consistent enough to be used in the big tournaments. Posted by Iceman on 11:25:2001 04:19 AM: My problem with most of what you say is that it holds true for every character. quote: Originally posted by Mutex42 Why isn't he top tier? Because it doesn't seem possible to be entirely consistent with him. He takes the worst damage in the game. Pretty much any one super will put him out of commission. Any sort of slip up and you're dead... This is not entirely true. Anakaris takes the 2nd worst damage on the game Anyway, Strider has the same stamina Anakaris has and he is top tier. Spiral and Storm don't exactly take great damage. So I don't think bad stamina automatically excludes you from top tier. quote: ...even though a lot of his moves have way too much risk involved. A good Anakaris will know the exact risk of each move in every scenario, but you can't always be certain. Anyone who is an expert with their character (Cable, Ryu, Megaman, etc.) should know this the risk and range assosicated with all their moves quote: Stuff about moves... I should have told you I'm familiar with his moves beforehand. I've used that team you like before except in a different order (Storm/Doom/'Karis) What I was really wanting to talk about is his match-ups. quote: As for the matchups, Blackheart's can be really easy, but still very risky. Blackheart plays in the air 95% of the time. Anakaris has two primary options against him. You always superjump after him when he takes to the air. If you can manage to line up with him, free idle hands. If not, coffins will hit him while he has no way of reaching you. You can idle hands him out of an inferno, which everyone and their mother instinctively throws before a hod. After a chipped hod, where does Blackheart go? Back to the air. So throw a grounded RH coffin at him. The place you don't want to be is in the air while he's on the ground. All you can do is throw coffins, and the first one you throw means you eat inferno->hod. So basically, you stay on his vertical level the whole time and you will always be at the advantage. Anakais might have the edge in this fight. This is not an easy fight for either character really. If not for roundhouse coffins, BH could just stay full screen away and win slowly but surely. Because of the coffins, BH must hesitate when he super jumps instead of just raining demons blindly. Idle hands shouldn't be effective in this fight aside from any "combos" Anakairs lands. What I would like to know about this fight is can Anakaris beat BH's jump ins with a ducking fierce? BH might be able to win by getting close and using his shorts and some BH/AAA rushdown. This could be one case where BH's ground dash became useful. I'd like to play this match so I knew more about it, but for not I have to call it even or slightly in favor of either (probably anakaris). quote: Sentinel is extremely difficult if you don't have his ranges down flawlessly. If you do though, you can have a coffin on him the second he activates flight every time and can idle hands him out of ground based traps or trade with RH coffins to give you a chance to escape. Coffins against flying Sentinel is very risky. Sentinel can outrun the coffins so you'll have to drop one where you think he'll be. Guess wrong and get hurt bad by flying lk,hk,lp-rocketpunch. Sentinel can stay on the ground and trap if he chooses. Coffins don't break super armor. Sentinel wins this fight soundly thanks to super armor and raw power. quote: All the other Dooms I play against are terrible. They do a lot of stupid things to try and chip you and usually get punished for it. I try to play rather variously with Doom these days, but it seems like everyone else is still stuck in "Doom is the ultimate keep away character" mode around here. I think they all just use him for his AA and have no mixup once they get him on point. So I don't know about a good Doom, but for the Doom's around here, I try to stay underneath them for the most part throwing jab coffins while they're high, and launching with Doom assist when they come down. When you're right underneath them, you can play nice crossunder games with his launcher because it'll hit on either side, is instantaneous, and has good priority. Coffins are a lot less effective against Doom than you'd think. There's inconsistent properties of when he does the photon super, and even normal photons, where coffins just sort of bounce off of him. You don't want to be on his vertical level because he'll usually be out of idle hands range and the coffins won't reach, and he's got a better option with his fierce laser, so when you superjump, make sure it's staggered with his level. You might have to throw a coffin just to pause for a second, airdash in and cancel it with another one to get halfway across the screen, then once you're there, wavedashes let you get and stay underneath him. What does Anakaris have to stop Doom's jump back fierce? Yeah, he can super jump out, but this can set up Doom's keepaway well against Anakaris. A superjump back fierce into a set of photons can work wonders. If Anakaris gets close, Doom can just block and drop in. The air dash is there should Anakaris try to cross Doom up. I'm not sure, but I'll doubt that Anakaris can out prioritize Doom on the ground. Doom's normals are just too good. quote: He loses badly to cable because he has no options against him. I can beat a lot of cables with him just from experience, but a really good one won't give you the holes you need to do anything against him. He can't throw coffins, he can't use idle hands because the risk is greater than in any other case, and I can't use any of my normal ground chain and pressure tactics against him because of the lag on his moves (usually you use the laggy moves out of range of their attacks, which doesn't exist for Cable). You also lose the use of Doom, which is almost essential for covering a lot of the holes in the ground game. Against most characters you've got Doom covered for his entire stay on the screen, but there are tiny holes which no character other than Cable can do anything about. So you've got no ground game, no air game, and can't call assists against him because you can't cover them. Basically, Anakaris is a free kill for Cable. So just get Storm in there and eat him up . I'll agree Anakaris is free lunch for Cable. quote: Okay, I've written way too much here so I'm done for now. These are just my experiences with the mummy anyway. Basically every time I see anyone else pick him (which is less often than I see people pick Servebot), they lose him immediately, and don't want to pick him again. So I'm probably missing out on tons of strategies for him because I don't get to see anyone else's take on him, but I've played him a *lot* and I do know that he can be a *very* effective character, but just not consistent enough to be used in the big tournaments. I don't think Anakaris is a terrible character. I wouldn't call him in the top two tiers, but I do think he's useable (i.e. he's worth learning). What he has going for him is unpredictability. Who has seen a good Anakaris? Not many people, and not many people will know how to approach him. I don't think you see him win many big tournaments because he's too difficult to use, and mistake cost more with him. Also, I don't think he holds the advantage on many of the top tiers except maybe BH (would love to play this fight). Storm and Magneto are too fast, Strider and Spiral can teleport to him any time, Cable and Cyclops will just shoot his ass, Sentinel can trade hits with him all day or trap him. The two I have doubts about are doom and BH (I think Doom wins, but Anakaris might beat BH IMO). Posted by TheMattDaddy on 11:25:2001 05:35 AM: i think anakarisis a good character to learn.. its all depends who u play against with. for example .. if u play against magento cable psylocke, and u have anakaris, doom and someone else. anakaris could just keep jumping, feirce kick then throw coffins while doom taking care on the bottom. just like dhalsim , viscant used dhalsim/ doom against peter rosas 's magneto cable psylocke,and peter got destroyed by dhalsim/doom. cuz all magneto does is only super jump/dashing.. dhalsim keep all the space by doing jump fierce kick then dash dow another fierce kick while doom taking care on the bottom.. im pretty sure that anakris could figt one on one easily. his mix up moves, his long fierce punch/kick,taking care the spacing games.. Posted by InvincibleStorm on 11:25:2001 05:59 AM: i don't have any suggestions for ur team but my team can eat u up, most likely.i've only seen one person pick Anakaris, my friend because he's picked every char.all this reading makes me want to use this useful char. Posted by Mutex42 on 11:25:2001 09:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman My problem with most of what you say is that it holds true for every character. This is not entirely true. Anakaris takes the 2nd worst damage on the game Anyway, Strider has the same stamina Anakaris has and he is top tier. Spiral and Storm don't exactly take great damage. So I don't think bad stamina automatically excludes you from top tier. My statement was not that he wasn't top tier because of his stamina. It's that it's very difficult to be consistent with him, and as many of his moves that you need to play a good game with him put him at great risk much of the time. The low stamina is especially bad because of these risks. If he took damage like Sentinel, you could take a lot more risks, play a very different game with him, and maybe even stand a chance against Cable. Strider takes terrible damage, but Strider doesn't open himself up anywhere near as much as Anakaris does. quote: Anyone who is an expert with their character (Cable, Ryu, Megaman, etc.) should know this the risk and range assosicated with all their moves Well I certainly don't consider myself an expert at anything... I'm just the only one that I've seen use him effectively before around here, and think I'm at least qualified to talk about him. Anakaris is a character that you really can't play at all against top level competition if you don't know his coffin and idle hands ranges perfectly because they will all miss and you'll die immediately because of the lag. Misjudging the exact size of a psi-blast isn't gonna guarantee you losing a character every time you misjudge it. This is the sort of thing that disuades people from playing him now. Even moderate competition will pose a big threat to someone that's not familiar with Anakaris's ranges. quote: I should have told you I'm familiar with his moves beforehand. I've used that team you like before except in a different order (Storm/Doom/'Karis) What I was really wanting to talk about is his match-ups. That was stated more to give a description of the risks involved in using the moves. quote: Anakais might have the edge in this fight. This is not an easy fight for either character really. If not for roundhouse coffins, BH could just stay full screen away and win slowly but surely. Because of the coffins, BH must hesitate when he super jumps instead of just raining demons blindly. Idle hands shouldn't be effective in this fight aside from any "combos" Anakairs lands. What I would like to know about this fight is can Anakaris beat BH's jump ins with a ducking fierce? BH might be able to win by getting close and using his shorts and some BH/AAA rushdown. This could be one case where BH's ground dash became useful. I'd like to play this match so I knew more about it, but for not I have to call it even or slightly in favor of either (probably anakaris). I've played this match many, many times, but I've certainly never had a Blackheart rush me down before. I'd have to see someone use him effectively in that manner before I could say anything about it. I can't recall having problems with his jumping shorts before, so I'll assume the launcher does outprioritize it, but I can't say for certain. People around here get Blackheart out of the field as soon as possible against Anakaris now so I'd say he's effective against their styles at least. I've made pretty good use of idle hands in the situation I stated. If he's waiting and not throwing crap at you (where he'll get hit by a coffin), you can get close enough for an idle hands, with no possible punishment for missing. I've gotten used to hitting it immeditately after super jumping and when opponents are falling fast too, and I guess that is kind of important when you can't align with him (meet them on your way up, their way down, etc). Why is combos in quotes btw? I didn't think it was possible to escape the idle hands air chains. quote: Coffins against flying Sentinel is very risky. Sentinel can outrun the coffins so you'll have to drop one where you think he'll be. Guess wrong and get hurt bad by flying lk,hk,lp-rocketpunch. Sentinel can stay on the ground and trap if he chooses. Coffins don't break super armor. Sentinel wins this fight soundly thanks to super armor and raw power. I wouldn't call it guessing. If you drop them immediately in front of him, so that they'll hit if he goes anywhere but backwards, he'll either retreat or get hit, and if he chooses the first option, you'll recover in time while he circles around and won't get hit by anything. If you do drop on top of him, you should only be doing that when they're gonna hit almost instantly and he's not in a position to hit you. All of his ground traps can be broken through, but you're rarely at an advantage over him, so I'd say he's probably actually a little up on you, but Sentinel's a little up on pretty much everyone. quote: What does Anakaris have to stop Doom's jump back fierce? Yeah, he can super jump out, but this can set up Doom's keepaway well against Anakaris. A superjump back fierce into a set of photons can work wonders. If Anakaris gets close, Doom can just block and drop in. The air dash is there should Anakaris try to cross Doom up. I'm not sure, but I'll doubt that Anakaris can out prioritize Doom on the ground. Doom's normals are just too good. A coffin should trade and do more more damage, which should make them stop. If you superjump, yeah, you should expect to meet a sj fierce into a couple photon shots, but when he resets (ie: superjumps again, air dashes, etc.) you should be able to position yourself. By crossunder, I meant staying directly underneath him so that when he finally did need to come down (airdash or not), you're switching sides 50 times a second and neither of you know which way he should block. None of his attacks can hit you, but your launcher will hit him if he guesses wrong, and calling Doom means that if you don't hit him, he'll still get blocked rocks. Hmm, I guess he could actually use flight to help prevent this situation too, but I've never seen anyone do it before and just thought of it now. quote: I'll agree Anakaris is free lunch for Cable. I don't think Anakaris is a terrible character. I wouldn't call him in the top two tiers, but I do think he's useable (i.e. he's worth learning). What he has going for him is unpredictability. Who has seen a good Anakaris? Not many people, and not many people will know how to approach him. I don't think you see him win many big tournaments because he's too difficult to use, and mistake cost more with him. Also, I don't think he holds the advantage on many of the top tiers except maybe BH (would love to play this fight). Storm and Magneto are too fast, Strider and Spiral can teleport to him any time, Cable and Cyclops will just shoot his ass, Sentinel can trade hits with him all day or trap him. The two I have doubts about are doom and BH (I think Doom wins, but Anakaris might beat BH IMO). I do think he's got the advantage on Blackheart definitely, with my experiences anyway. Against the others I don't think he holds an advantage, but he can do well enough to win the match with Storm/Doom backing him. I always play him first to determine how I'm gonna play my Storm/Doom. He usually dies after building five meters for you, which you can easily chip a whole character to death with if you need to come from behind, and Storm should be able to build all that back pretty quickly. Strider/Doom should give him problems, but it's the fearlessness they'll have that'll let you win. Spiral tends to eat a number of coffins and any gaps in her swords give you idle hands opportunities. I don't see how either of their teleports give them a good advantage against him unless the only thing in your playbook is to sj and drop coffins. Rushdown Storm and Magneto are just as tough as with most people. They'll try to control the match entirely though and that's their downfall because Nak works perfectly well defensively if you can afford to be patient enough to know when to hit (as in, can block correctly when they attack and know when you can outprioritize with his launcher, which is actually kinda tough to judge). You can't throw any coffins whatsoever against them. Usually in my matches against a good Magneto, I'm either gonna dominate him entirely or he's gonna dominate me by clippin me once or twice. There's never much of an in-between. They'll get scared and cautious the first time you launch them out of a triangle and back down and let you go on the offensive. Next round's always a complete reset of mindsets though. Anyhow, I'm done talking for now. Posted by TheMummy on 11:25:2001 09:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mutex42 Anakaris-Storm-Doom is the team! That's what I seem to be most effective with anyhow. I would throw Cyc in there as AA if I had any interest in going for his infinite, but I'd just feel dirty, since there really isn't a damn thing you can do about it and it will kill their whole team. Anakaris makes really good use of Doom, like you said, poking at them on the ground and throwing coffins in the air with the Doom AA goin. On the ground, while the rocks are goin, I'm look for an opportunity to Idle Hands them, either by mixing up their blocking to pull them into a high block or just for a mid-rock grab if it hits, or I'll try to hit with FP->Cobra blow while they're bouncing around. Not usally worth the tiny window of crossup and relaunch opportunity you've got since if you miss it you're toast. Doom is Anakaris's best friend. I think it's worth it to DHC Storm in instead of letting Nak die since you can always find a perfect opportunity and it'll always do damage. Doom can't make very good use of his assist, although I've ever of other people having success with repeated jump-fierces, Throw assist and they'll take it, but that doesn't work very often. His assist is a little better with Storm on point, or at least a good rushdown character. You can easily trick them into which way they're going to block by calling Nak and the second he comes out triangle jump at them, but don't attack. They'll be trying to block the airiel attack so the idle hands will grab them, then just lightning attack->lightning storm->possible Doom DHC them after the throw hits. Storm/Doom is a truly menacing combo, which has to take over any time I screw up and get once or twice with Anakaris (since that's all it takes to kill him). If Nak was really low on health you might want to let him die just for the DHC opportunites you'll have open now with Doom and Storm. I've always got Storm second for the obvious DHC hailstorm reason plus I want her on point instead of doom since I play him better in the endgame. She's the problem solver, he's the cleanup crew. The only problem Nak really has is cable. He takes out sentinel, he takes out Blackheart (if you're really careful), he's about even with spiral and takes out Doom with ease. If Cable's point, counter to Storm immediately, because she'll take care of him. With doom on her side, every time he super jumps, call Doom->typhoon->hailstorm to chip like mad and with all the meter Nak built, you can take out a whole character that way if you want. And of course, being as mobile as she is, play the drop doom, crossup so he goes after your helper while you hit him from behind (or waste two levels for nothing to correct his mistake). If he does go after them, you're ahead. If he doesn't, you're still ahead because he took mad chip damage. I just wish I was better at the game so I didn't randomly screw up and lose Anakaris from one mistake all the time. He's usually about even with their first character, and then Storm/Doom cleans up the rest with the 5 meters he built. This is actually my most consistent team overall though, surprisingly. Ech. I'm not very good at talking about my strategies with these guys, better to watch. Watch how he stops rushdown/trianglers with his crouching fierce+Doom as it hits on both sides. Block and eat the chip, don't block and get launched, and they most likely won't block since they're going for a triangle and either just dashed or attacked and the best they can hope for is to bounce around on Doom's rocks for a while after you trade hits with them. I already used that team!!! I think that team is also very POWERFUL!!! But I changed my team to ANAK/DOOM/CYKE because i really need a good anti-air!!! since ANAK/CYKE moves are very easy, i decided to use my ANAK/DOOM/CYKE TEAM! Posted by popoblo on 11:25:2001 03:02 PM: thank god somebody else uses anakaris. i love the guy, and if you guys have any good strats on him then i'd greatly appreciate them. Posted by popoblo on 11:25:2001 03:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by TheMummy Anakaris has solo infinite: s. lk, s. mp, XX pyramid rush(diagonally downward) then repeat. ANAK-CYKE middle of the screen: c. HP with cyke(alpha), (moving forward)sj. lk, sj. mk, lk Pharaoh's curse. opponent cornered: c. HP with cyke(alpha), (moving backward)sj. lk, sj. mk, lk Pharaoh's curse. Ok, that would be all. what are the button combinations for the pyramid rush and pharoah's curse? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 11:25:2001 09:28 PM: The Pyramid Rush can only be done in the air. down + any kick Pharoah's Curse: QCF+any kick Posted by popoblo on 11:25:2001 10:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin The Pyramid Rush can only be done in the air. down + any kick Pharoah's Curse: QCF+any kick thanks, now do you have any anakaris strats? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 11:25:2001 11:25 PM: I don't use him. Most of the time I see some Anakaris players doing repeated coffin drops (down, down, + any attack button) in the air. Just ask the dude who started this topic. Posted by popoblo on 11:26:2001 09:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin I don't use him. Most of the time I see some Anakaris players doing repeated coffin drops (down, down, + any attack button) in the air. Just ask the dude who started this topic. that gets AHVB'd way too easily, and it can't be too predictable or you'll die fast. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 11:27:2001 03:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by popoblo that gets AHVB'd way too easily, and it can't be too predictable or you'll die fast. I meant that you do the coffin drops while SUPERJUMPING. I wasn't really spcific during my last post. Posted by popoblo on 11:27:2001 08:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin I meant that you do the coffin drops while SUPERJUMPING. I wasn't really spcific during my last post. i no, that's what i meant also, but it can be AHVB'd very easily Posted by Shoto-ism™ on 11:27:2001 10:26 PM: No one here has really talked about his glitchy coffin drops. If cable is in the middle of shooting a laser, and the coffin hits...all it does is bounce off him, and does no damage. So cable goes on to continue his laser. I think it only does this on certain frames. This has happened to me with Iron Man as well. Maybe it just the character in motion? I dunno, it strange though. He is kinda a useless character unless you play him dirty...> About that Phar Curse. He also has a helper infin with Sim, and Zang. Posted by Mutex42 on 11:28:2001 12:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by Shoto-ism™ No one here has really talked about his glitchy coffin drops. If cable is in the middle of shooting a laser, and the coffin hits...all it does is bounce off him, and does no damage. So cable goes on to continue his laser. I think it only does this on certain frames. This has happened to me with Iron Man as well. Maybe it just the character in motion? I dunno, it strange though. He is kinda a useless character unless you play him dirty...> About that Phar Curse. He also has a helper infin with Sim, and Zang. Actually, I made a specific note about how the coffin drops weren't usually very effective against Doom keep away, as you'd think you could rely on staying away from him and beating him out with coffins since they should knock him out of his photon super and do a lot more damage than his normal photon shots will, however it isn't the case because they bounce off. Against Cable, it's the same thing, but like I said, that's a battle you're gonna lose no matter what you do if they're any good. It seems that certain beams are able to make the coffins whiff, but against Cable I learned quickly and repeatedly that throwing coffins from anywhere on the screen meant instant death. They do have the same properties as normal projectiles in that they're cancelled when they hit a beam or another projectile, but what doesn't make sense is when you hit them on the top of the head when they're throwing a projectile or beam extending out in front of them and they're cancelled, but not always. I'm sure there's a good explanation that we'll just never know about . He can be effective without playing him dirty (full team infinite, repeated coffin drops after getting AA'd to the top of the screen), it's just really hard to do and you have to know your matchups. Sometimes he's just gonna get stomped so you have to get him out of there until you take out the bad matchup with someone else on your team, but in most cases, you're very likely to overcome the matchup if you're careful, but you have to be very precise with him. Posted by Terazon on 11:30:2001 04:48 PM: Is it possible to ghostbreath someone in the face off a tag in without using assists? [Must combo]. I was just wondering. If so, I too may jump on the Anakaris bandwagon. Posted by Remy Saotome on 11:30:2001 08:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman Storm and Magneto are too fast. Derrick could show you. Around here, he's become the master of all the underrated characters, and I've seen him do all sorts of crazy shit, including taking Storm with Anakaris. Here's how it went: Storm flies away. Typhoon, Typhoon, Lightning dash thing, blah, blah blah. Coffin falls from the ceiling. Smack and Repeat. Basically, it was a runaway Storm and he took her out using the Coffin Drop. It could even hit Storm when she was off the screen. Derrick then went on to take out Cable using the Servebots in the same match. Cool as Hell and proving that Anakaris takes Storm. Katta wa! Remy Saotome All times are GMT. The time now is 11:29 PM. Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.